At least 3 days this week:
Warm-up walk: 5 minutes
Run: 10 minutes
Walk: 5 minutes
Run: 10 minutes
Walk: 5 minutes
Cool down walk: 5 minutes
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Week 19 (Nov 26 - Dec 2)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Better Than a Paternity Test
Dear Siblings,
It is 8:42 pm.
We leave for New Hampshire tomorrow morning.
I haven't started packing.
That is all.
It is 8:42 pm.
We leave for New Hampshire tomorrow morning.
I haven't started packing.
That is all.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Week 18 (Nov 19 - 25)
At least 3 days this week:
Warm-up walk: 5 minutes
Run: 9 minutes
Walk: 6 minutes
Run: 9 minutes
Walk: 6 minutes
Cool down walk: 5 minutes
Top Ten Reasons For Running
1. It helps you lose weight
2. It gives you more energy
3. It gives you time to think through tough issues
4. Skinny bodies are sexy bodies ;-)
5. You can eat almost anything you want
6. You meet new friends
7. You get to shop for shoes (running shoes, that is...)
8. One wood -- 'gu'
9. Tons of race t-shirts
10. It beats cleaning!
Warm-up walk: 5 minutes
Run: 9 minutes
Walk: 6 minutes
Run: 9 minutes
Walk: 6 minutes
Cool down walk: 5 minutes
Top Ten Reasons For Running
1. It helps you lose weight
2. It gives you more energy
3. It gives you time to think through tough issues
4. Skinny bodies are sexy bodies ;-)
5. You can eat almost anything you want
6. You meet new friends
7. You get to shop for shoes (running shoes, that is...)
8. One wood -- 'gu'
9. Tons of race t-shirts
10. It beats cleaning!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Week 17 (Nov 12 - 18)
At least 3 days this week:
Warm-up walk: 5 minutes
Run: 9 minutes
Walk: 6 minutes
Run: 8 minutes
Walk: 7 minutes
Cool down walk: 5 minutes
Something to sleep on:
Warm-up walk: 5 minutes
Run: 9 minutes
Walk: 6 minutes
Run: 8 minutes
Walk: 7 minutes
Cool down walk: 5 minutes
Something to sleep on:
Proper Rest
Rest is a very underrated aspect of running, especially distance running. To be good at running, you must adopt a mindset along the lines of, "the harder I push, the better I will be." Well, this is good only up to a point. As a coach of mine said (specifically for summer training, but the general theory carries over into the competitive season, as well), "make your hard days as hard as possible and your easy days as easy as possible." The idea is that if your easy days are taking away from your hard days, you will merely run mediocre every day and not do the work necessary to become faster. It is the hard workouts that make you a faster runner, not the easy ones.
Personally, I am in favor of three hard workouts a week (two if one of the days is a race), with an easy day between hard workouts and races. I prefer six days a week of running, with the seventh day spent cross-training (bicycling, for example) or resting, if need be. Many people go the route of seven days a week, 365 days a year. This works for some, but breaks down many others. Find out what works for you, give the body time to get accustomed, and stick with that routine.
There is much more to rest than when and how hard to run, however. Other related things to consider are: sleep, diet, stress level, and mental preparation. All of these combine to dictate how your body will be able to react to your training regimen. You've probably heard your coach say, "two days before the race is most important." This refers to both sleep and food. Why two days before? Because the night before a race you will probably be too nervous and/or excited to sleep, anyway! By eating correctly, your body replenishes the nutrients which are burned up through exercise.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What more could a girl ask for on her Birthday?
The Gifts - The day started out with me finding my annual Birthday Bear, from the counselor, sitting on my pillow. I also got a purse by Vera Bradley as well as a Red one by Tommy Hilfiger. And then the Ultimate gift was the Hardbound, Boxed set of the complete works of Gary Larson’s FAR SIDE COMICS. Unbelievable!!
The Gab - And then it was off to work, where my day was broken up several times with phone calls from friends and family, including “alphabet” the soldier boy, and Jac. Some of them usually only correspond by e-mail, so it was such a pleasure to not only have them remember the day, but it was wonderful to just get to chat with friends and do a little catching up!! Then on the evening of my birthday, while having a coffee with the counselor, I got a sweet, sweet call from my niece and one of my nephews. It was “Happy Birthday to you…” complete with “Deeear Aunt Lenkaaaaa”. It was spectacular. I made the sister, who also put her good wishes in, call back and have them do it again on my voicemail so I could keep it.
And then…, AND THEN…
The Guilt – the other sister, (and I totally believe her) thought about calling earlier in the day, but it was too early to call me, so she wound up forgetting until the next day. So when she called me I could tell that she was riddled with guilt and remorse, and even though I assured her that it was the thought that counts, she must have wallowed all day long until she came up with the PERFECT restitution: A PUBLIC APOLOGY, complete with an irresistible picture of the nephew!! And it worked. She’s forgiven forever!!
Yep, I’m one lucky gal to be so loved. And I want to just say Thanks to you all and I LOVE YOU back!! Ya’ll don’t forget next year now, ya hear?!!!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Dear Aunt Lenka,
I can't believe Mommy forgot to call you on your birthday. Sheesh. How many times does a boy have to say "Goodley-goog-goub hey-hey-hesh" to get the point across? Anyways, I hope you had a wonderful day and that you know how very, very, very much you are loved! Happy, happy, happy Birthday!!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Nah- nahnah - nah - nah
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