Thursday, December 18, 2008

All is Calm, All is Bright...

Thanks to Sister Susie, this has been a complete joy to receive and display and I wanted to share with the rest of ya'll.

I absolutley love it and I love the thoughts that come to mind when I think of the things that this scene represents.

Many Blessings to one and all.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Hey everyone,

Well I left Elena's last night at about 10 till 11, and headed north. This morning found me in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Right now I'm sitting in my new home (until 24 March); It's a balmy 32 degrees outside, snow falling (of course it's not cold enough to stick) and I'm having culture (climate?) shock.

In any event, I wanted to share my new address, seeing as how I will actually be here long enough to make the effort worth while.

2LT Me
4103 Sturgis Heights, Rm 109
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473-8840

I'm going to add a few pictures of my new room, mostly because it is like a palace (or at least a decent room at Motel 6) but it's all mine, no sharing, and I have my own fully (as in 2 pots, some pyrex, and 2 place settings) stocked kitchenette! I'm actually not sure what to do with all the space :-)

Love you all, I'll be trying to post regularly-ish

Ok, upon further examination: I have no IDEA if the pictures uploaded, double uploaded, or flipped me the bird, because the ETHERNET internet here is slower than dial-up. Well, we'll see I suppose.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I know what YOU were doing...

... 20 years ago today.
Momma was weepy, Daddy was sleepy

Jacq & Joe were so small.

In spite of Dad acting goofy, and Jacqueline's lost toofy...

We all wound up having a ball!!

** just think, 20 yrs ago...

** The whole family still lived in Colorado, and now everyone's spread across the country
**Dad and Mom were younger than Roger and I are now - now they're GRANDPARENTS
** Joe was 3 - now he's headed for the ARMY
** Jacqu was 5 and missing a tooth - now she's a teacher and engaged
** Suze & 'rah were in their teens - now they're Mom's and Wives and have lived in Florida,
California, and Pennsylvania
** We've lived in California, New Jersey, Tennessee and Alabama
** We've got 3 nephews and 2 neices
And talk about looking young...
Check out MY guy!!!

So much has happened in 20 short years, and yet, somehow it doesn't seem possible that we've been so many places and done so many things. I'm so grateful for this life I've been Blessed to live. And I'm not only grateful for my wonderful husband but also for my wonderful family who has been there through it all!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hear ye, Hear ye, and Hark!!!

In the days of summer in the year of 2008, a cry went out across the land for the Semadeni Siblings to gather.

… and it came to pass in the month of August that 3 of the 5 Semadeni Siblings who were of age came together in the land of Florida.

Much laughter, feasting, and carousing ensued, both on the land and in the sea. The time soon drew nigh that the Siblings gathered together in the chambers of the host to discuss many matters concerning the family. After much dishing/discussing, it was brought to light that a great fear was in each of them. And that fear was called “buying Christmas gifts for Husbands”. And the fear was growing, in so much as the chances were becoming probable that one family might be in the position at some time to have to buy gifts for 2 other husbands. And the fear was strong.

…and so, after much more talking and after hearing the cries and pleas of the other Siblings, the Eldest, who wore upon her fingers the sign of authority which was pink nails gilded with hot pink tips and polka dots, decided that in the years to come, the drawing of names would only include the Semadeni Siblings. Of course because none wanted the husbands to be entirely excluded, here after, it would be allowed that the gift could be considered as a Semadeni Sibling family gift if the gift-er so chose.

… and thus, the fear was overcome and happiness returned to the land. And much laughter, feasting and carousing ensued.

The decree went out that the 2008 gifting would be as follows:

Elena will “be-getting” something for Sarah
Susie will “be-getting” something for Elena
Sarah will “be-getting” something for Jacqu
Jacqu will “be-getting” something for Joe
Joe will “be-getting” something for Susie

So let it be written,
So let it be done!!!

(that is of course, if it's ok with everyone else?!!)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Rest of the Pix Arizona 5-2008

Here are the rest of the pictures I took while in AZ. in May. I really wish I'd gotten pix of Susie Bubby and Josh, and Alex, Ayshia, and Cecilia, but I guess I just got caught up in the fun and forgot to keep the camera in my hand.

I'd been begging mom for several months, maybe even years to post some pix of the yard since Daddy and Earl did the Windmill etc. because I REALLY want to see what it looked like. Well, I guess it's true that if you want something done, you have to do it yourself... so even though it almost seems pointless to post something I've already seen and I suppose everyone else has seen too, at least I can say it's finally been posted!!!

By the way, it looks really good.

And here's Jonathan.

Earl and his pet hands

Sibs @ the Children's museum

Jacqueline's got a boyfriend.... na na na na na...
Jaque & Paul sittin' in a tree...
... and let me tell you when that dinosaur actually moved...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Hard to believe he's only 3!!

... from
"'Lena, What's WOO-win?"

to "HOOH-AH!!"

My, how time flies!!!

Earl - aka: Little Bro - Gurgi - Joe - and now... SIR

"TR" & Jacqu

Swearing in - by Lt. Col. Gallagher

Pinning - by the short people

Sworn & Pinned

First Salute - by Papa

2nd Lieutenant United States Army


Family and Friends


Here's my all time favorite Picture of the mighty Soldier!!!!

I'm Proud of you Man!!
May God Bless you more abundantly than you could ever imagine
and may He protect you with his Mighty Power!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Home Makeover - Bedroom edition 5-2008

It was a wonderful trip, thanks to my Family!! I had a blast and can't wait to find a reason for us all to get together again!! Thought you might want to see some of the pix I took. I'm only including the pictures that don't have human faces in them, but if ya'll don't mind, I'd love to post some of the People Pix too, so let me know and I'll do it later. For now, here's what we actually accomplished besides eating too much...

Spiders and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

Spider Man would move in in a skinny spidey minute!! All we needed was some spider webs hanging from the corners, but hey, it's the boy's room, so I say give it time and it'll have plenty of webs and probably a few cooties if we're real lucky!!

Sugar and Spice and Flowers, sooo nice...

All this room needs is a couple of Susie's Unicorns and some live Fairies!! Hopefully no one has a bad case of allergies to estrogen, because this room is simply bursting with GIRL POWER and FLOWERS and BUTTERFLIES!!


And then here's the cake that Sarah bought,
Mom paid for (at first),
Susie, Jacqu, Elena & Earl shopped for,
and Daddy and Paul (AKA: Texas Red or simply TR) helped eat,
to celebrate little Brother's Commisioning.
Two Words: YUM MEEEE!!!!!

God Bless our Amazing Family!!!!

(p.s. let me know about posting the people pix!!)
(p.p.s. Mom, you gotta get Jacqu to post the vidoed "talent" portion of the evening)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Wedding

I know everyone wants answers....BUT I really have none still. Dates for the wedding are still pending, and I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting but its going to be a crazy ride.

In other news: the Commissioning is still 16MAY and everyone is still invited to that! Dress is 'business casual' or slacks/button up and the like. Nothing too formal, and there's no actual dress code, but that's what I'd wear (essentially, it's a graduation.)

If you need more details, let me know and I'll answer anything I can! We have a few beds at my house that people are welcome to, and I'll happily give up my bed also.

Love you All