Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I know what YOU were doing...

... 20 years ago today.
Momma was weepy, Daddy was sleepy

Jacq & Joe were so small.

In spite of Dad acting goofy, and Jacqueline's lost toofy...

We all wound up having a ball!!

** just think, 20 yrs ago...

** The whole family still lived in Colorado, and now everyone's spread across the country
**Dad and Mom were younger than Roger and I are now - now they're GRANDPARENTS
** Joe was 3 - now he's headed for the ARMY
** Jacqu was 5 and missing a tooth - now she's a teacher and engaged
** Suze & 'rah were in their teens - now they're Mom's and Wives and have lived in Florida,
California, and Pennsylvania
** We've lived in California, New Jersey, Tennessee and Alabama
** We've got 3 nephews and 2 neices
And talk about looking young...
Check out MY guy!!!

So much has happened in 20 short years, and yet, somehow it doesn't seem possible that we've been so many places and done so many things. I'm so grateful for this life I've been Blessed to live. And I'm not only grateful for my wonderful husband but also for my wonderful family who has been there through it all!!

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