Sunday, November 30, 2008


Hey everyone,

Well I left Elena's last night at about 10 till 11, and headed north. This morning found me in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Right now I'm sitting in my new home (until 24 March); It's a balmy 32 degrees outside, snow falling (of course it's not cold enough to stick) and I'm having culture (climate?) shock.

In any event, I wanted to share my new address, seeing as how I will actually be here long enough to make the effort worth while.

2LT Me
4103 Sturgis Heights, Rm 109
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473-8840

I'm going to add a few pictures of my new room, mostly because it is like a palace (or at least a decent room at Motel 6) but it's all mine, no sharing, and I have my own fully (as in 2 pots, some pyrex, and 2 place settings) stocked kitchenette! I'm actually not sure what to do with all the space :-)

Love you all, I'll be trying to post regularly-ish

Ok, upon further examination: I have no IDEA if the pictures uploaded, double uploaded, or flipped me the bird, because the ETHERNET internet here is slower than dial-up. Well, we'll see I suppose.

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